LYNRED strives to conduct all of its business to the highest standards of INTEGRITY, RESPONSABILITY, and COMPLIANCE. 

To this end, our day-to-day activities are shaped by values, ethics, and systems that are shared by all of our employees and stakeholders.

These include: 

  • Anti-corruption measures
  • Export controls
  • Fair competition/anti-trust policies
  • Health, safety, and environmental policies
  • Personal data privacy
  • Confidentiality
  • Financial transparency and internal financial controls
  • Diversity

Our ethics and values position us to honor the trust our customers, shareholders, suppliers, and partners place in us.

For further information, please contact LYNRED by email at:

To go even further, LYNRED has opened a whistleblowing alert system available to any external and occasional partner of LYNRED.

The email address is meant to receive your alerts.

Please note that such whistleblowing alert system should be used to report an infringement of French or international laws by LYNRED or by any one of its employees provided that such infringement is personally detected by the whistle-blower.

Upon reception of any alert, an internal verification process shall be launched, including an investigation to establish the truth about the facts stated in the alert. Whistle-blowers are granted protection in accordance with the law (except in the case of misuse)


In 2018 the French government enacted legislation to ensure that all people have the freedom to  choose their future occupation. With the new law came the GENDER EQUALITY INDEX, a tool designed to measure inequalities in the workplace.

The 100-point index calculates inequalities over the course of a year based on four or five indicators, depending on whether the company has fewer or more than 250 employees. The indicators are:

  • The gender pay gap
  • Gaps in indiviual pay raises awarded to men vs. women 
  • Gaps in individual promotions awarded to men vs. women (for companies with more than 250 employees)
  • The number of employees receiving pay raises after maternity leave
  • Gender parity for the company’s ten highest-paid employees

Every year, companies must calculate their performance according to the index and make the results available on their websites so that progress toward greater gender equality can be observed.

Based on the data for 2023, LYNRED has again obtained an excellent score of 92/100. 

We are extremely proud of this result, which reflects LYNRED's values and our commitment to promoting gender equality in the workplace.



DIVERSITY: whether visible or hidden, differences in the workforce are a golden opportunity


We firmly believe that promoting complementary profiles, employing women, recruiting senior workers and disabled people, and hiring young talent through our work-study recruitment policy is a driving force for building greater social cohesion and fostering innovation.

For example, the percentage of women in the engineering profession continues to rise every year and currently represents close to 30%. Slightly more than one third of all managerial and technical lead roles are held by women.

Workforce diversity is a powerful collective driving force for fostering innovative managerial practices and developing groundbreaking technologies. Consequently, inclusion features high on LYNRED's list of priorities.

Every day, LYNRED's teams take concerted action to promote recruitment and support ongoing employment for people with disabilities, whether by hiring assets directly or building on our commitment to embrace sustainable procurement principles.

Specific initiatives include:

  • Multidisciplinary teams drawing on their awareness of disability issues to guide and assist employees from day one according to their individual needs.
  • Managers supported and trained to accommodate people with disabilities.
  • Specific arrangements and schemes (adapted working hours, extended access to homeworking, and so on).
  • Actions to inform and raise awareness among our teams.